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Please submit your letter by Thursday, September 19, 2024.

If you think you might forget – set a reminder in your phone or calendar to remember this important date.

Someone you know is attending Camp Well with GRACEchurch this fall.

Camp Well is a 4-day soul care experience for women who sit in the tension of feeling too much and not enough. It is a space to pause and remember who God is and who He says we are.

At Camp Well we will be unpacking the things holding us back from peace and flourishing and repack what is true about who God is and who He says we are along with the good works He has prepared in advance for us (Eph. 2:10).

Living on purpose is better IN community and so this is where you come in! At the end of the third day, we will give them the letter that has been written by you.

You will also be a part of their PRAYER TRIBE – we will be sending a series of emails (look for them from Our desire is that your words & prayers will encourage and break through any insecurities or lingering fears and also illuminate how the Lord sees her and how the important people in her life see her.

This is where we need your help! 

Please use the form below to draft a letter of encouragement to the camper you know that is coming. We will take care of formatting and printing out each letter. No need to mail anything, just use the form below to type out your letter.

IDEAS for what your letter can include:

  • leadership qualities you see in her

  • how she encourages you

  • how you see her bless and impact others, her family, her friends

  • how she has specifically blessed your life

  • celebrate how she has overcome an obstacle or fear

  • your prayer for her

  • what gifts and talents you see in her

  • a verse or quote

These are just ideas or prompts to get you started. Feel free to write as you feel led.

Please complete by Thursday, September 19, 2024..