The ministry of Jesus Christ should reach beyond our walls. We believe in going into the world and being the hands and feet of Christ. We believe it is our job to love God and love people and this is demonstrated through service.
Hey church family,
I pray y’all are doing well. There is so much to discuss.
First, we had a successful collection for the truck we loaded up that headed to Tennessee for the hurricane victims. Thank y’all so much! I pray that they saw God in all the things delivered to them and I pray that they feel some relief soon. I just can’t imagine the heartbreak they have been living through and will continue to live through for some time. Please continue to pray for them.
Second, we are in the midst of our OCC (operation Christmas child) box collection. Be sure to grab a box and fill it up for these children. The smallest of things are the biggest blessings to them. Be sure and get your box ASAP.
Third, we have The Christmas Mall coming up -more information to come on that at a later date. Get ready to buy some Christmas gifts to bless these families that are signed up. We usually are able to bless around 40 families. Please be praying for these families as we are able to visit with them, that they learn about the true meaning of Christmas-which is celebrating the birth of Jesus.
There are so many in-house things that can be done as well to get ready for this season. If you would like to be more involved, please email me at
Love y’all and I pray that God is moving in your life.
Many blessings,
Laura Aaron
Missions/outreach pastor
Ready to serve in the community?
Email our Missions Pastor, Laura Aaron, and let her know that you would like to get involved.