At GRACE, we believe being connected within the local church is not optional but essential. Because of this, Connect Groups are the heart of discipleship at GRACE. In Acts 2:42-47, we see Jesus’ followers in the Early Church devoted to living in community and united in their commitment to being discipled and making new disciples. From this passage, we get our Core Values of KNOWING, GROWING, GIVING, SERVING, and PRAISING. Growing in these areas is a continual process because each Core Value represents spiritual practices and disciplines we need to develop and refine to become more like Christ. We believe these Core Values are best learned and lived out within the accountability and proximity of small groups. We want to help you KNOW others and be known by them, GROW as a disciple of Jesus and be equipped to become a disciple maker, GIVE as a united body that believes it can make a Kingdom difference, SERVE in ways that glorify God, and PRAISE as someone who is living a life surrendered to Him. We offer a variety of group-based opportunities to help you be a part of a dynamic community within the church as you grow in your faith. Below, you can read about the current opportunities to get connected and begin actively participating in discipleship.


On January 26, we’ll host a Connect Open House during all of our Sunday Gatherings. Our Connect Open House is the best way to see all the opportunities you to begin KNOWING, GROWING, GIVING, SERVING, and PRAISING.


We’ll have info on all classes, groups, and service opportunities that are offered during the first quarter of 2025. You’ll be able to meet leaders, learn about different ways to get involved, and choose your best point of connection.

Here are some of the options you’ll see:


GRACE101 is your perfect first step to growing at GRACE. 101 is a 4-week group designed to help you get plugged in at GRACE and learn how to take the next step in your discipleship journey. In this group, you will meet some of our staff, build relationships, and learn about our vision, core values, and beliefs. Plus, we’ll have fun by serving together and sharing a meal together.

Whether you’re brand new to following Jesus or have been following him for years, we encourage you to participate in GRACE101 because it allows us to get to know you so we can help you see what it looks like to follow Jesus in this stage of your faith.

During the first 3 weeks of 101, your group will meet during the 11:30am Gathering in the Student Auditorium. On the final week, we will share lunch together at 12:30pm, and you’ll have a chance to visit with Pastor Tommy and ask any questions you may have about GRACE. The next round of GRACE101 begins March 2. You can sign up to attend 101 here:



In the Bible, when Jesus invited his disciples to learn from him, he said, “Follow me.” These earliest disciples literally followed Jesus around for years as he taught them how to live according to the Kingdom of God. But, what does it look like to follow Jesus today? How should following Jesus affect our lives? What does baptism mean, and why do followers of Christ get baptized? What things should we be doing to grow closer to God and show that we have chosen to follow Jesus – and how do we learn to do these things? Our New Believers class is designed to help you answer these questions and prepare you for baptism.


In this group, you’ll meet other people who are growing in their faith, and you will learn from mature Christians who have been following Jesus for decades and want to help. You’ll learn about the essential beliefs Jesus followers hold, how to engage in spiritual disciplines (like prayer and reading the Bible), and how to make these spiritual disciplines a meaningful part of your relationship with God and other believers. The next New Believers group begins February 2 and will meet for 4 Sundays. The first 3 weeks will meet during the 11:30 Gathering. On the final week, you’ll meet at 12:30 as you hear from Tommy about baptism.



Many of our Connect Groups are centered around church-wide Bible studies. One of our highest priorities is teaching people to read the Bible and learn skills for studying, understanding, and applying God’s Word.

Because we believe this is critical to the health of our church, we have several church-wide Bible studies each year. These are special times where the entire church focuses on studying a book of the Bible together. During these studies, the messages on Sundays will be centered on a specific book of the Bible, and we offer opportunities for you to join a Connect Group at the start of each new book so you can study in community with others. You’ll listen to the messages on Sundays, read scripture on your own during the week, then meet with your Connect Group to discuss, ask questions, and learn to study and apply God’s Word together.

Our next church-wide Bible study starts February 2. We’ll be going through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount from the Book of Matthew. The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most famous teachings of Jesus during his ministry on earth. As we study this teaching, we’ll be challenged to expand our understanding of what it means to live according to the Kingdom of God and learn more about being a disciple of Jesus.



Experiencing God is an inspiring Bible study that has been used for decades to help teach Christians how to have a God-centered view of life. This powerful 12-week study shows you how to increase your knowledge and awareness of God, how to build an intimate relationship with God, and how to begin actively participating in God’s work that is happening all around you.

In this group, you’ll have a workbook that requires daily reading and reflection. You’ll do the reading and answer questions on your own during the week. Then, you’ll meet once a week with your group, and your leader will help you all discuss and begin applying what you’re learning about God. This study starts the week of February 2. To participate in this study, you’ll need to purchase the Experiencing God Workbook for $20.



Nelodie Perkins is an avid prayer warrior. She has dedicated years of her life to studying scripture and learning about prayer. Her passion is teaching others about the power of prayer and giving you the knowledge, strategies, and tools you need to strengthen your prayer life. In this 5-week group, you’ll meet new people, learn about the spiritual discipline of prayer, and be empowered to become a prayer warrior. This group will meet on Thursday nights at GRACE beginning January 30 at 6:30pm. To participate in this study, you’ll need to purchase a $5 study guide.



GRACErecovery: Are you working to overcome an addiction, a habit, or something that just has you hung up? Then GRACE Recovery is for you! Every Monday night at 6:30p this Jesus-centered, confidential group meets to work through the challenges of addiction.

GRACErecovery Spousal Support Group: Are you a woman supporting someone as they journey through recovery from addiction? We want to walk with you as you walk with them. Every Monday at 6:30 you are invited to worship, study, and process alongside a supportive group of women choosing to heal and learning to live like Jesus. 

Grief Ministry: Our grief ministry meets the first Sunday of every month at 2p in the Gckids Auditorium and is open to everyone experiencing any form of grief. We seek to equip those who are hurting and broken in spirit to grieve well on their journey with Jesus.