A crew of deep sea explorers from the Sea Exploration Agency are on a mission to explore the deepest depths of the ocean, in search of knowledge about its Creator — and you’re invited too, as a SEA agent in training! As our crew travels deeper and deeper below the surface, experience the wonders of creation, face a few challenges, and discover that knowing our Creator doesn’t require a special badge or a submarine. Our faith grows deeper when we spend time with God, spend time with others, use our gifts to serve, and share our stories of faith.


Session Outline

Monday // Session 1

AT MISSION: Kids hear about how even when everyone was afraid, Moses trusted God would rescue them at the Red Sea.

THE BIG IDEA: People can help my faith grow.

THE BIBLE: Exodus 14

Tuesday // Session 2

AT MISSION: Kids hear about how Jesus used a kid’s lunch of bread and fish to feed a huge crowd!

THE BIG IDEA: My faith grows deeper when I use my gifts.

THE BIBLE: John 6:1-13

Wednesday // Session 3

AT MISSION: Kids hear about the story of Jesus and what He did to save us.

THE BIG IDEA: My faith grows deeper when I spend time with God.

THE BIBLE: Philippians 2:5-11

Thursday // Session 4

AT MISSION: Kids hear about how, after a few detours, Jonah went to Nineveh to tell the people about God.

THE BIG IDEA: My faith grows deeper when I share my story.

THE BIBLE: Jonah 1-3

Sample Schedule

5:45 - 6:00: Check-In

6:00 - 6:30: Welcome and Worship

6:30 - 6:45: Small Group Activity

6:45 - 7:05: Scripture Reading and Big Idea Breakdown

7:05 - 7:15: Small Group Activity

7:15 - 7:30: Meal Time

7:30 - 7:55: Small Group Activity

7:55 - 8:20: Craft

8:20 - 8:30: Memory Verse Activity

8:30 Pick-Up